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Expanded Heat Pump Rebates in BC: Making Energy Efficiency Accessible

New Heat Pump Rebate BC

British Columbia residents can now experience significant savings on home-energy costs thanks to a substantial expansion in the heat pump rebate program. This initiative, fueled by a joint effort from both federal and provincial governments, is designed to combat the increasingly severe weather events driven by climate change, while fostering a sustainable and robust economy.

Federal and Provincial Support

In a recent announcement, federal Ministers Steven Guilbeault (Environment and Climate Change) and Jonathan Wilkinson (Energy and Natural Resources), alongside B.C.’s Ministers Josie Osborne (Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation) and George Heyman (Environment and Climate Change Strategy), unveiled an investment of up to $254.7 million.

This funding from Canada’s Low Carbon Economy Fund and the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) program will directly support residents, particularly those with low or middle incomes, in transitioning to more efficient and eco-friendly home heating solutions.

What the Program Offers

The combined investment by the federal and provincial governments will facilitate grants that enable residents to replace oil, propane, or natural gas heating systems with cleaner, more efficient heat pumps. These units not only heat homes but also provide cooling in the summer, reducing the need for separate air conditioning units and thereby enhancing energy efficiency.

Income-qualified households can receive substantial support through this program, with rebates of up to $16,000 for switching to high-efficiency heat pumps. These generous rebates aim to cover a significant portion of the installation costs, making it easier and more affordable for homeowners to transition from oil, propane, or natural gas heating systems to more efficient, eco-friendly heat pump systems. This initiative not only enhances home comfort but also promotes a cleaner, more sustainable energy solution for British Columbians.

Piggy Bank Rebates no words

Additional Benefits

Beyond the direct financial savings on installation, the program also includes a one-time payment of $250 from the Government of Canada for successful OHPA applicants transitioning from oil heating. Moreover, the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program extends further financial support for upgrading to energy-efficient windows, doors, insulation, and ventilation systems.

Impact and Outreach

The initiative is set to fund approximately 16,000 retrofits in low- and middle-income households, projected to reduce more than 40,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2030—akin to removing over 12,000 passenger vehicles from the roads. This not only supports environmental goals but also generates more than 900 full-time jobs, thereby contributing to the local economy.

Energy Savings and Long-term Benefits

Households making the switch from fossil fuels to electric heat pumps can anticipate reductions in energy use by up to 80%. Heat pumps are proven to offer reliable comfort control throughout the year, heating homes during the cold months and providing cooling in the summer.

How Veteran HVAC Can Help

At Veteran Heating and Cooling, we’re here to ensure you can take full advantage of these new and improved rebates. Serving the Lower Mainland from Vancouver to Hope, our expert team is ready to assist you with selecting and installing the perfect heat pump for your home. We manage all aspects of the installation and guide you through the rebate application process, making your switch to energy efficiency seamless and stress-free.

Ready to save on your energy bills and enhance your home’s comfort and efficiency? Contact us today to learn more about how you can benefit from these generous rebate programs. Let’s work together to make your home greener and more cost-effective!


How much can I save with the new heat pump rebates?

Qualified income households can save substantially with rebates of up to $16,000 for installing high-efficiency heat pumps.


Who is eligible for the heat pump rebates?

The rebate program is targeted at low and middle-income households looking to replace their current oil, propane, or natural gas heating systems with more sustainable options. Detailed eligibility criteria can typically be found on the CleanBC website or through local program administrators.


What additional benefits does the program offer?

Beyond the financial rebates, participants can also receive an upfront one-time payment of $250 from the Government of Canada when switching from oil heating. The program also supports the installation of other energy-efficient home upgrades, such as windows, doors, insulation, and ventilation, to further reduce energy bills and enhance home comfort.


When would the new rebate program be available?

There was no date indicated in the official announcement. However, according to the Vancouver Sun, the program should start no later than mid-June.


Can Veteran Heating and Cooling help me with the installation of a heat pump and the rebate application?

Veteran Heating and Cooling is ready to assist with your heat pump. We offer full installation services. This ensures you enjoy top-notch efficiency and home comfort. We also guide you through claiming rebates. This way, you get all the money back you deserve.